The Orthodox Church Of Epirus

(Γνησίων Ὀρθοδόξων Χριστιανῶν / Old Calendar Greek Orthodox)

St. Francis Philoptochos Society

(a) charitable, benevolent and philanthropic outreach

(b) the sanctity of life and family

(c) the Orthodox faith and its tradition

The word “philoptochos” comes from the Greek words “philos” which means "friend"; and “ptochos” which means "indigent/needy". 

(a) Funding of dioceses, religious organizations and parishes  -  all of which need to be self-sufficient

(b) Supplying monetary support to clergy income

(c) Unemployment funding of clergy and laity

(d) The lending or donating of money and goods, both temporary and permanent, to congregations, clergy and laity 

Philoptochos societies have their official beginnings in the late 1800s among the Greek community in New York City. Inspired by the old Byzantine Greek idea of Philanthropia, it has succeeded ever since in Greek Orthodox communities. The Philoptochos society today gives aid to all those who need it, not just Orthodox Christians. This aid involves a comprehensive approach of an individual situation, their living situation, life style, skills as well as self-sufficiency in helping to find employment.

I do solemnly affirm that I will uphold the dogma, teaching, tradition, holy canons, worship and moral teaching of the Holy Orthodox Church, as well as the discipline and regulations of the Greek Orthodox Church of Epirus and that I will fulfill faithfully and sincerely the duties and obligations required by the St. Francis Philoptochos Society. So help me God.

Members who are in good standing may use the postnomial SFPS behind their name.

- Any member of the holy Synod can join the St. Francis Philoptochos Society by approaching the Facilitator of the Society or the Synod Chancellor and eventually taking (signing) the Pledge (above).

- Philoptochos members are encouraged to find resources, collect and register items to donate and refer cliental. 

- The Facilitator of the Society will keep records of the membership roster, an inventory of items as well as management of funds.

- Upon the approval of the Facilitator, members may distribute items.

- The Facilitator will file a monthly report to the Synod Chancellery for review and filing.